Suyin Aerts
July 12, 2019

About goals and desire

If you want to achieve something, everything starts by setting a realistic and specific goal. Something you really want to achieve, not something others want you to achieve. Your desire is where the faith starts. Because you need to have the faith you can reach the goal.

Start by visualizing your goal, than make a plan on how and when you want to realize it and be ready to change, because if you don't change you will not improve. It will however take inspiration, intuition and 100% commitment.

Without hope that you’re going to achieve something, you can’t have faith. Hope is the anchor or your faith. Hope is what happens when belief is transformed through experience and consistency. This “hope” is another word for insane confidence and trust in yourself and your capabilities of reaching your goals.

When you have confidence, you take on challenges you’ve never done before. You’re willing to learn things that are uncomfortable to you. You’re willing to get back up after failures and defeat. You’re willing to try new things.

And very importantly: you’re willing to reach out and initiate contact with people who can help you. And those people next to you, with whom you shared your goals, they will help you to take up anything it takes to achieve your goal.

I have set a new big goal myself, I am working on it since 2 months, surrounded by professionals that keep me on track.

What about you? Are you ready to upgrade?

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