Suyin Aerts
March 30, 2020


Yesterday a very good friend of mine, Esther Van Toledo, taught us, online, how to breath in an infinity loop. She gave a webinar online and talked about leadership from the heart in the actual crisis.

We all know by now that ecosystems are a truly valuable ground to create new things. When we see an ecosystem like Silicon Valley, we might wonder whether the success of the companies from the Valley is the fact that they are being close to one another, visionary people having coffee with other creative people in the same coffee bars. But what happens now that most people all over the world cannot go out anymore. Will this prove that a good ecosystem is not linked with a good coffee bar?

Will this create a “corona ecosystem point of view”? On one side the people believing everything will happen locally again and on the other side those seeing the value of true globalisation ? Living in a certain circumstance, does it change people, or does it makes the ‘real’ person visible?

In his book “Sapiens”, Yuval Noa Harari says that to build an imperium you need to rule over people with different cultural identities, that live on different territories. Covit-19 is building a strong imperium at the moment …

As a company one of the big challenges is to catch that customer that is perceived as a moving target nowadays, says my professor from Taking the Lead, Stijn Viaene, at Vlerick Business School.

But what about those targets, that literally do not move anymore and will not move for the coming weeks maybe months. But figural they might move to places in their minds that they did not know about themselves.

One thing is for sure in these turbulent times we need to be more open and flexible than ever before. Because the scenario of 2020 after this crisis might go anywhere. Maybe we should just all believe that together me might make the world a better place, for you and for me and the entire human race, said Michael Jackson.

Maybe we need to think about what happened in our history and this might create a new perspective for the future.

Exactly as in the infinity sign

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