Suyin Aerts
August 7, 2020

The CEO of your own body

During the lockdown I had a nice talk with Seppe De Baerdemacker on health, sports and nutrition.(you can watch the interview on youtube) He liked my saying that we are the CEO of our own life and our own body.

I shared my ideas on how I succeed on combining my professional life with having enough movement and eating healthy. Often easier said than done, but as an ex topsporter I have some good memories in my body and mind that help me to get back on track whenever I lose to way.

For sure I love sports and it gives me a feeling of being balanced also mentally when practicing enough hours per week. At the end of the interview Seppe asked me my tips that work best for me. I think I have proven to myself that planning those sport moments in my agenda work best to keep up the pace. Getting inscriptions for runs with other people setting a personal goal also works, but that might be due to my own competitiveness that I am afraid will never leave me for the rest of my life.

Working with a PT is of course ideal. He or she can also follow up on the promises that you make to yourself. Because only with promises and no actions goals will never be reaches.

Simon Dewulf, my own Personal Trainer is someone that knows how to push my limits and keep me motivated.

I think that planning in general makes you more resilient as a person, that is why I teach my children to plan for what can be planned, as unforeseen circumstances are part of life and sometimes they make life easier, sometimes however it will bring extra challenges.

I think the same goes for putting those blocks of time in your agenda. Not just wait for time to pup-up, as when you are a busy entrepreneur, moderator, journalist and presenter as I am, also in charge for the management of our family, time for yourself is something that you need to claim and not wait for.

And let's face it as a CEO of a company you have specialists around you, fiscalist, insurance brokers, bankers, IT-ers....why not gather some specialist around you when we talk about the company : "ME, MYSELF & I?"

So think about the long term, think about the impact of a healthy body on your mind and take up the role of the CEO of your own body.

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