Suyin Aerts
December 4, 2020

Open doors

I have a new mentee…and I feel very happy about our first date (thanks @startitkbc). We just had a great chat, a bit strange as I am an ex-dancer and she is a dancer, we are people that might appreciate more than others that we have the person we talk to close to us and have the opportunity to look into each other eyes without a screen bothering. But hey we are in this times all together so live goes on.

What doors do you leave open and what doors do you close was basically the topic of our conversation. There is a huge age difference in between us, I realize only now…funny as it doesn’t feel this way. I wonder why I never reached to a mentor myself… Maybe I should…

If you leave a door open do you need to make sure she does not become rusty after a while, meaning you need to make her move from time to time? How much energy  and effort should this take. And what if it never pays back?

What if you slammed a door, is there no way to get her open again?

What if you open a door and you realize she leads to a hallway with two ways to go, left and right?

Which way do you chose when you thought the choice was already made after you opened the door?

This all sounds so familiar and I would say that it is always better to decide to enter the right or the left side than to stay in the hallway. In case you walk, and walk and you realize it might not have been the right choice you made, another door may be in the corridor. And worst case you might just go back to the first door.

Is life not a labyrinth of doors anyway, with you feeling WAUW after every door you open?

Thank you Alejandra for pointing out that when you have many talents and many interests, life can seem very complicated from time to time, even though nobody might understand.

I do understand, o yes I do.

Another door opens and that doesn’t mean you need to always close another.

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