Suyin Aerts
July 23, 2021

The Olympic Thought

I stopped working for a while today as I really wanted to see the flame getting lighted again. The Olympic Flame. Since I was a child this event makes me dream away. I am so happy for those that were able to be there before and for those who are there now. Especially the Athletes but also all the people of the press and all the important people as trainers and other staff that make it possible for the sports people to perform at this high level. I hope one day, who knows in Paris, I already send them my CV, I can be there myself and mean something. It is funny to see how this dream also lives in my sportive kids that dream to be on the games one day, and they hope now it would be as hockey players.

Mixt feelings today as I am training myself intensively for the last 5 months to participate in a sports challenge, which will be heavy both physically and mentally. But I had an accident last weekend and could feel exactly what I was talking about in my blog last week, sometimes unforeseen circumstances makes you have to change your plans. And unfortunately the 4 weeks coming up will not be about biking and biking…but I will have to work in another way to get prepared. The good news is that I should normally make it In time. Rome wasn’t built in a day and I always take enough margin so the red plaster around my arm due to a broken hand will not stop me. But I will follow the good advice not to start to soon again as rest is part of the training, even though this rest did not feel nice the past days. The good news is that tomorrow we are 1 week further, so that should be a quarter done…if things heal as they should.

Do you know I call myself an Olympic entrepreneur on my website? Because as an ex-top sporter I see a big correlation between the mindset of an entrepreneur and an Olympic Athlete. I am convinced that as a multi-passioned entrepreneur having had that sports mind from a young age helps me a lot to combine so many passions I have, had and will have in the future.

I have to be honest however and admit that my partner had to tell me to stand up after my fall last week as my body and mind made me wanted to sit for a while. But we all now that is not what we should do and will not bring us anywhere. For sure not in the hospital 😊.

The last 4 days I could feel my body was still suffering a lot from the shock (that was very hard, I think the rascal was back for a while before I fell), but my mind was already healing and the broken pieces became pieces of a puzzle and my Olympic mind felt whole again and the will to be at the start of my race in October was burning as never before, (even though the first day will be 115km and 1700 altimeters.) And today my body felt awake again, so great feeling.

And Bahm!! another shock just reach my mailbox: maybe Morocco will not let us in due to the corona situation…but the organization works on a Plan B.

We have to stay flexible in our mind as we need to keep a flexible body which is not so difficult as an ex-dancer. So for the moment let’s continue preparing because for me the Olympic thought is much more than medals it is a process and a belief in people, the world and the fact that sports make people better creators of a world without wars and filled with love. Because at the end of the day it is about how much love we made people feel.

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