Suyin Aerts
August 20, 2021

Risk is an opportunity

I think sometimes when we are faced with a challenge that seems very difficult and that feels at first as if you are taking a huge risk we need to think about it another way. What opportunity lays behind the mountain when you take the risk to walk that huge mountain? It is not because we pick a huge mountain that we might not be able to walk until the top that we did not learn anything. But when you take a high risk most of the time the reward is also a high reward.

Which doesn’t mean that I say we do not need to be prudent. One of the things that I had to learn the past years. This due to the medicine I need to take for my blood, because when I would have an accident it might have more spectacular results as with a person not taking that medicine. As a kid and youngster, I was the bold type, that wasn’t afraid of many things. So I had to learn the past years, after my stroke to think twice when I do certain things. It was a struggle in my head, as I am not scared but it felt as if I needed to become a bit more scared. In the beginning after the stroke, I even thought I couldn’t snowboard or mountain bike any longer since I have to take this medicine. But during the first lock down I decided to buy a mountain bike and started again, the technique I once had came back, my physical condition became better. Than after our marriage my brand new husband, and partner since 19 years, had the crazy idea to ask me if I wanted to participate in the very big challenge Roc Du Maroc (Pre-Honeymoon he said)

And I said yes (once again 😊) So another great bike came on my path and many, many, many hours of training the past months. Learning again to be less scared but very prudent. I can tell you it is very complicated sometimes in my head. As I was not supposed to fall but needed to do complicated things, especially in descends.

Than I fell a month ago…things could have been worse, but my planning was dead…I was very stressed and sad and wanted to start training indoor ASAP, some days mater that is what I did. Than a virus(not corona) came on my path I guess in the hospital, and I was out for more than 2 weeks.

Today I started finally again with my PT. Hurray. This weekend I will also try to bike again as my cough is almost gone. Still indoor biking(and watching Netflix), because my broken hand is still immobilized.

The Doctors and Physio believe in what I can (they even treat me as a top sporter with the recovery and that is a nice feeling), but they say only time will tell if I will be able to be ready for this amazing challenging beginning of October.

The situation in Morocco is very bad corona wise which might mean they need to cancel …

It seems the universe is telling me that I might need to train another year and be at the start stronger than ever… At least taking the risk to say yes to this challenge not only brought me a lot of sweat and some tears last month, it was most of all an opportunity to grow physically and mentally..

But RDM trust me we will meet soon, I am already preparing for the party when I look you in the eye !

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