Suyin Aerts
February 18, 2022


Persistence is about executing consistently and never giving up. Luckily as a dancer this is what they teach us at a very young age. Everybody struggles to do things they’re not familiar with. It’s how you overcome your struggles that makes or breaks a champion.

Many things are a combination of both talent and a lot of work.
What does it take to become successful in what you do?

What is for sure is that you will have to make sacrifices. Every successful person I know makes sacrifices. It is those who dare to sacrifice what they cherish most that will reap the fruit of their labor.

I think were many people fail is that they do not have enough persistence.

We also need to accept that we are sometimes competing against other people who have the same goals. But when you finally start believing in yourself, there is a moment that the world cannot ignore you.

There will also come a point where people will criticize your work and your beliefs.

To become successful, you’ll get rejected many, many times.
You will get many more “no-s ” until you get the “yes” you’re seeking. So be ready to take huge risks, put long hours, be persistent, fight disappointment, work hard, combat struggle, be disciplined, win over competition, have courage, accept criticism and personal failures, remove doubts, understand adversity, fuel off rejection and make sacrifices.

But enjoy every little success on your way to your bigger dream.

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