Suyin Aerts
April 22, 2022

Wings that make you fly

It has been a week full of emotions. Happy feelings and sad feelings. It happens often, those weeks when I have a hard time finding what to write about. Or better a hard time what to choose. I want to move something in people, make them think, or better make them feel.

In my car, an hour ago, coming back from the last event of the week, after a week filled with great jobs, I got a link to a podcast, for the weekend she wrote.  My job as an entrepreneur gives me the opportunity to meet new people and to be innovative, thanks to a fantastic team around me and great and creative customers.

My job as a moderator, challenges me to get prepared for many topics, difficult ones from time to time and again I meet great people and I learn, day after day about things I did not even know they existed.

Yesterday I finally met Isabel on stage.

She gave a great keynote, her presence on stage was remarkable, her voice touched me deeply with content that was relevant. I see many, many speakers, sometimes I get to interview them, something I would love to do with Isabelle as well but this time I only got to introduce her.

I think she was happy to also meet me.

She is the one sending me that link for the week-end. I suppose she could feel my curious mind, knowing that I would listen straight away. I was in the car, her voice is so good, that I think even if she would read me a recipe I would listen, and those who know me will confirm I never ever read recipes. Cooking is a moment of creativity for me, open the fridge, see what I have and start. I was an artist before being able to do creative things as a dancer, however now I do not so often feel as an artist, but creating something nice with simple ingredients without following the rules is what I love to do.

No sorry, I am not interested at all in recipes, but Isabel could even read me a recipe with that voice and the perfect intonation.

So you can imagine that what she was reading was anything but a recipe, however, it was a recipe for feelings I think.

It is very hard for me after the rollercoaster of emotions this week, to classify the emotions I got when listening to this story of 15 minutes.  I laughed, I smiled, I got a bit angry, I felt strong, I felt weak, I felt useless, I felt important, I felt big, I felt small, but what I felt most is I felt me.

Thank you Isabel, for being you and making me feel me.

The emotion that stays however is because of a very personal story, as we lost Roman, only early twenties, because he got 10/10.

Spread your wings, before someone cuts them.

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