Suyin Aerts
July 22, 2022

Becoming a Keynote speaker

I have the chance the see many speakers on stage, and I can tell you there is such an incredible difference. Some people are just more inspiring, authentic, funny, convincing,... than others.
Some people want to go on stage even if they actually have not much to say. A pity.
Then you have other people with good ideas, many things to share, but that choose the stage to share their ideas, because they think it is the way to go.

By definition, the application of an idea means that something different will take place in the universe. Even if your idea is undeniably and wonderfully brilliant, it will force someone, somewhere to change how they do something.
But in my feeling when some people go on stage their strong ideas become weaker because it just isn’t the medium they need to use.
I remember having the same feeling when going to a contemporary dance show many years ago, I read the booklet about what the piece was about and expected something fantastic. It was a horrible show. Those people should consider writing books instead of becoming choreographer.

It is not because you get inspired by speakers on a stage that you should think you can do the same.
I was listening to a great podcast during the first Covid lockdown about people craving to become speakers, because they want the fame, the life and the money of a professional speaker.
They try to start this, invest in marketing and coaching but they never succeed. They just chose the wrong medium.

Off course we all need to learn how to communicate and speak in public, but that is something completely different in my opinion than becoming a keynote speaker. Do you become a singer because you like listing to music?

Of course as they say in French ‘les gouts et les couleurs ne se discutent pas’, but sometimes we all agree…. Let’s be honest!
It takes more than a good idea to be on stage. And yes when you work with a coach things might get better. If it is a good coach you will for sure get better. And it s not about getting less bad….
I know people that were rough diamonds, had great ideas and talent and just needed some fine tuning and became very bad after working with a bad coach.
A bit as bad plastic surgery let’s say. A great nose for someone might be a horrible one for someone else.

It is not the best dancers that become the best teachers, it takes more to be a good coach. I do believe in the master and pupil principle and then sometimes I do not understand how some become teachers and have never been a pupil…

Anyway are you working on a first keynote, a new keynote? Some questions you might ask yourself before you reach out for a coach.
What is your scope? What is the structure of your pitch? Will you use images in your presentation to support your pitch? Who is your audience? What is the story-line? What is the tone of voice? How will you behave on stage? How do you get prepared and how will you rehearse? ….

Many things to take into account, always think what you actually need and where you would like to get some help with.
Think of an athlete, if your struggle is about losing extra weight, who would you ask for help?

Coming up with good ideas is hard enough, but convincing others to do something with them is much harder.

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