Suyin Aerts
June 9, 2023


Let’s be honest nobody knows what the future brings. So it is important to teach children that they need to be fully functional and prepared for whatever comes next.

I think it is great when we dream big, every day a little bigger even. And to find out if we are able to make that extra step, we need to go for it, we can never know if we did not try.

To become that exceptional individual we should not become too comfortable with the present.

We will need to accept the transformation of ourselves and the people around us.

Because for all of us a new chapter might unfold, we move forward, we have new experiences, we meet and talk with new people, and all of this teaches us very valuable lessons.

Not all transitions are enjoyable. Some are horrifyingly terrible. But it is good to go through that transformation, I suppose growing the wings of a butterfly might also hurt.

We transform in our professional lives as well as in our personal lives. It is important to be able to focus on what you can handle and go step by step. Never run before you are able to walk.

If you see someone victorious, happy and successful, particularly on the internet, we should never assume that their life is perfect and we are the unlucky ones.

Everyone has their own fighting battles, it is something I am very aware of when I interview people, not everyone is going through the same things.

We are never sure about who might be able to help us in our transformation, in our growth, in letting go of things and embracing new things.

So don’t forget to be kind, always!

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