Suyin Aerts
June 16, 2023


Yesterday it was my birthday. A moment in the year it is time to reflect and look ahead.

Sometimes I have the feeling that it will just be impossible, if I think about the things I want to realize in the coming year. Many projects are already up and running, others are in the ideation phase and then I have the ongoing business that will celebrate 30 years before my next birthday. We will need to do something special also. 

The most important project is the role as a mother for my fantastic daughters that are also growing and starting to have their own projects becoming more clear every day.

It will all be about taking the time, not waiting to find the time in between all the things I am already doing right now. It is about focus and priorities. Be prepared but also be upon for serendipity, the gift of finding valuable or agreeable things not looked for.

Like leaving on a holiday and before you leave you are packing, mostly based upon what you plan to do during that time and you try to imagine what the weather will be like. For the most important holiday, the holiday of life, you do not exactly know what you might need, so it is hard to get your luggage done. 

And who would like to live a life based upon the weather anyway!

To realize a dream it is about imagining the dream and just going out there without your luggage, feeling confident you can probably get and buy what you need once you get there. 

The only real thing not to forget when you pack is your gut feeling.

A lifestyle comes with some goals. It is about challenges you want to overcome and opportunities you want to dare to take.

In this new year, I will continue making small decisions to reinvent the way I live at the moment, as I am convinced that it will be the small things that will make me realize those big dreams for the months and years to come.

After all we are all the entrepreneurs of our own life.

Would you want to look back on a mediocre life? Do you ignore your goals and dreams?

Are you sure you are living on your own terms and not on someone else’s terms?

The reinvention of yourself will never end, we can continue to grow, that’s the beauty of dreaming out loud.

Listen to the little child inside.

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