Suyin Aerts
December 15, 2023

The right questions

When I think for a moment about the history of humanity and all the technological and scientific wonders that we have produced as a species, I realize that for almost every invention or breakthrough it was because someone dared to challenge the status quo.

Often when someone has got an idea for something new, some voices might be raised about how ridiculous that idea is, how nobody is waiting for your invention.

But when you think about progress it has always come with opposition and too many people around us want to maintain the status quo at all costs. Unfortunately this is not just the case for technology or innovation, we can see it also in politics or in how we organize society as a whole.

With the year of elections coming up, I am looking for the leaders that dare to stand out of the crowd, with real solutions for society not to divide but to connect.

I do agree we can not always start with a tabula-rasa or a blank sheet of paper, but we need to dare thinking about new concepts and not just maintain things that no longer have an added value. What once was a solution or an answer to something might not be needed anymore.

As a moderator, I feel that being a creative generalist (what in English we also call a multipassionate or multipotentialite) makes me very good at building bridges between ideas and people, because I always go for a new angle, a creative way of asking questions.

I might not be the biggest diplomat when I ask people to rethink what they believe in, but I think we need leaders that speak up. I might be perceived as too direct by some people, but I understand at last that I no longer want to just fit in and be loved by all. Being different is a huge asset actually and as a versatile jack-of-all-trades, I want to be a change maker.

My mission is to consciously connect people to themselves and others and I succeed in doing this by asking questions, the right questions.

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