Suyin Aerts
April 19, 2024


I believe we're not just along for the ride in shaping the future—it's something we actively create every single day. 

Running a company adds an extra layer of challenge to this. We have to weigh up the opportunities and risks. Looking a year ahead might seem impossible, especially when day-to-day business can be so demanding. But experts in predicting the future suggest we need to think further ahead, even years or decades.

It's about being proactive, not just reacting to what's in front of us right now. We've got to keep our eyes open for any changes in our industry and prepare our teams to handle them, create new teams and make teams that are agile to stand strong.

I like to have that open mind and sense any new trends or patterns in the market or society. Because I am convinced that when you pay attention you might come up with ideas for what might happen in the future. I try to work on that mindset shift: from reactive to proactive. While the exigencies of today are a reality, we must also foster this amazing culture of curiosity and foresight within our teams. 

And curiosity doesn't always mean we want fast answers.

Every decision we make matters, and we need strong leaders with clear visions, but you have to keep that agility . I also believe the future isn't an outcome of chance—it's a canvas we paint with purpose every day.

Thinking about the future isn't something we should put off until tomorrow — we should have started yesterday!

So today I invite you to dream boldly and to shape a future that reflects our collective vision and ambition.

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