Suyin Aerts
August 9, 2024


Today, I want to talk about what is perhaps the most challenging job in the world: parenthood. This morning, I witnessed a poignant example of this challenge when I found a young 19-year-old girl crying while walking my dog. After a discussion with her mother, she lost her phone, a situation that escalated into tears and frustration. This incident reminded me of the complexity of parenting. The conversation I later had with the mother, who was equally distressed, made me feel like a mediator, someone who could see both sides of a difficult emotional exchange, something I am already for an article I’m writing for a magazine, coincidence is a strange thing.

Parenthood is difficult, primarily because of the raw emotions involved. These emotions can be overwhelming, both for the parent and the child. Navigating the turbulent waters of adolescence, as a parent, often means finding a delicate balance between setting boundaries and offering empathy. This morning’s interaction highlighted how crucial it is for parents to listen actively and communicate openly, even when emotions are running high.

The unpredictability of life amplifies the emotional challenges of parenting. Just two days ago, I sent a message to the daughter of a friend who suddenly passed away. In that moment, I was reminded of how vital it is for parents to be a source of stability and love in an ever-changing world. Losing a parent is devastating, and the aftermath often highlights how deeply intertwined our lives are with our parents’ guidance and support.

The role of a parent is more than just raising children; it’s about nurturing them emotionally and being present in their lives. Parenthood demands resilience, patience, and understanding. The bonds formed are lifelong, and while the journey is often fraught with challenges, it’s also filled with unparalleled joy and fulfillment.

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