
Ce qu'ils disent


William Fenton
Sponsorship Consultant
@ Golazo Consulting

Suyin did a wonderful job for us at SponsorLive: The European Sponsorship Association Summit. We were very impressed and Suyin made it much easier for us with her professionalism and charm and humour on stage. Her ability to switch languages is a great talent.

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Stephany Gochuico
CEO & Co-Founder | Tech Innovation Evangelist
@ Kromnix

Suyin did an astonishing job for us at our #ecsa22: European Conference on Security & Authentication on 31 March 2022. Suyin was our host and moderator for 2 hours, was very confident in welcoming the 5 European Security Experts, and made the ‘serious’ topic more ‘lively’! We did a very good dynamic Q&A duo even […]

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Remi de Montgolfier
General Manager. Tech. Decarbonization. Digital Transformation
@ Ericsson

The collaboration with Suyin was a booster for the perception and the positioning of our brand in Belux, and a priceless learning experience for me on Public Representation and orchestration of panel discussion. Highly professional, relevant, dynamic, and always with a smile. Thank you Suyin for this great experience.

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David Ramael
Artistic Director
@ Boho Strings

I had the privilege of working with Suyin for the Be A He(a)ro benefit concert. She moderated with verve a panel talk on mental health and suicide prevention, balancing the conversation perfectly between a deep emotional touch, while being engaging and informative for the audience. Afterwards she also interviewed me on stage as introduction to […]

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Julien Amiach
Senior Director
@ Michael Page

I have asked Suyin to give a presentation on how to network with efficiency in front of our 40 Experts in Belux. I have to say that I have never experienced such an inspiring speech. Concrete, detailed & really useful, she has helped us a lot in making our audience stepping up on new ways […]

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Moira Cabrisy
Senior Marketing Specialist
@ ANSYS France

Suyin worked with us as host and moderator for an online international event with one of our clients. I really enjoyed working with her. She was very professional, proactive, attentive to details and quick to pick up on the tone and atmosphere we were looking to create. Our client was also very happy with the […]

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Badger Productions
@ Producteur & réalisateur

Had the chance to shoot with Suyin last week. I must admit we were all very impressed with her skills in front of the camera. The first take was perfect, so we did a second one just for kicks, and that one was even more perfect. If you need a TV or Event host, don’t hesitate. Can’t wait to […]

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Els Librecht
@ Dynamic

We hebben met Suyin samengewerkt voor de moderatie van een groot twee-daags digitaal congres. Het was een hele fijne eerste samenwerking. Suyin heeft alle gesprekken met de verschillende sprekers tot in de puntjes voorbereid. Altijd met de glimlach en dat heel vlot in beide landstalen. Bent u op zoek naar een professionele moderatie van je […]

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Naïs Rigollet
Junior Professional Programme
@ European Commission

Suyin has been the moderator of a High Level Conference on sport and healthy lifestyle organised by the European Commission. She has done an amazing job, bringing dynamism to the event. She is professional, reliable and perfectly fluent in English and French. Despite the difficulties of moderating an online event, Suyin took up the challenge. […]

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Isabel Verstraete
Book Author the Care Principles and brand strategy expert with a focus on caring and sustainable growth.
@ The Care Principles

Suyin is a very charismatic and talented moderator and presenter. She has a unique way of asking questions and getting to the core of the matter in a gentle and empathic way. She is professional and easy going at the same time. I loved the collaboration with her on my book launch and would recommend […]

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Rhany Opalfvens
Pr Account Manager
@ Walkie Talkie

Suyin was the host and moderator during a webinar on the topic of water of one of our clients. She was very professional and well prepared. If you want a moderator or host who really knows what she’s doing then Suyin is your go-to person!

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Laurence Jacques
Campaign & Events Specialist

It is rare that you find a talent like Suyin. In perfect bilingualism, she led our round table masterfully. I have always appreciated Suyin’ s ability to manage a virtual meeting with speakers from different backgrounds. I look forward to our next collaboration.

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Tom Broekmans
Coördinator ondernemersaanbod & evenementen
@ Unizo

Suyin is op en top professioneel. Wij deden al verschillende keren beroep op haar als Host van onder andere onze inspiratiecafés voor startende ondernemers. Doordat ze zelf ondernemer is heeft ze veel voeling met deze doelgroep. Dit leidt dan ook altijd tot boeiende, geanimeerde gesprekken on stage!

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Marit Ginevro
Marketing Manager

I had the privilege of meeting Suyin a few years ago, and in the meantime I have seen her presenting, moderating talks and hosting events on stage more than once. She is amazing, not only in Dutch, but also in French and English. Next to that, Suyin is a great networker. Suyin has not only […]

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Olaf Hermans
Chief Science Officer
@ R-Intervention

I had the pleasure of meeting Suyin a first time during the Marketing Tech conference organized by Duval in Antwerp last November. Suyin showed to be a warm, well-prepared and highly flexible and involved host of the event, and a very positive and professional moderator of the panel discussion on privacy in technology which I […]

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An Lambrechts
Strategic Project Director
@ Seauton International Congresses & Incentives

It was a great pleasure to work with Suyin. Very professional approach, flexible, proactive way of working & assuring smooth flow of our event. Suyin offered a lot of added value, as a moderator, during the live session of our digital event. Professional approach and very good communication skills, towards the high level executives, and […]

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Stéphane Loraux
Managing Director
@ Common Sense 33

I’m fond of journalists who manage their ego in the best way, using their intelligence to foster others’ bright-points to burst out.

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Aurélie Caron
Project Manager
@ DDG Smart Marketing

Working with Suyin was a real pleasure. She is very hands on in the preparation of the event, thinking along with the client and the agency, she was flexible in many languages and did a great job, moderating my event. I recommend her 100% !!

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Philip Van Kelst
@ Author “De Klantendriehoek”

Suyin is goal oriented en intelligent. Her style is direct en no nonsense. Ideal partner for your communication event.

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Karl Boumans
Adviseur Innovatie & Internationaal Ondernemen

Ik heb de eer en het genoegen gehad om verschillende keren met Suyin te mogen samenwerken…Steeds kon ik rekenen op een enorme hoge graad van engagement…Daarnaast mocht ik keer op keer getuigen zijn van staaltjes timemanagement…De manier waarop ze haar zaken professioneel aanpakt geeft weer dat ze dit doet vanuit passie…Kortom thx voor de mooie […]

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Marc Ernst
@ HRMinfo

I have called on Suyin a number of times for presenting seminars on HR issues. She always did an excellent job. The evaluation by the participants of her role as a hostess was therefore always very favourable. Her fluent trilingualism (Dutch, French, English), her pleasant to the point-presentation style, her dynamic look and approach and […]

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Tom Verheyen
Innovation Program Manager
@ EDF Luminus

Suyin helped us to sharpen the idea pitches of our intrapreneurs. Her interactions were well appreciated by the people pitching as well as the people being pitched to. I would definitely ask her again.

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Lien Warmenbol
Project Coordinator
@ Markant

Excellent speaker and moderator, powerful woman whose television experience clearly shows off. Has a broad network and fantastic social skills.

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Werner Meuleman
Managing Director
@ Bunzl Belgium

I was positively surprised by the professional performance and dynamism of Suyin acting as a strong and well prepared moderator during our yearly strategic plan session. A strongly appreciated experience for all participants!

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Johan Joostens
Managing Director
@ Varia-Pack

As a moderator, Suyin conducted our 2-days strategic meeting in a splendid way. She kept our relatively large group on track by raising in-depth and confronting questions, by summarizing key issues in a concise way and leading us to clear conclusions. Suyin was also very perceptive to the sensitivities of the participants and succeed well […]

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Mieke Van Gramberen
General Manager
@ Flanders Synergy

Suyin heeft het debat bij de lancering van mijn boek “Goestingarchitecten” gemodereerd. Goed voorbereid. Super vlot gedaan. Een plezier om mee samen te werken!

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Evy Ceuleers
Team Leader
@ Innoviris

Suyin was de perfecte gastvrouw voor de eerste editie van de Woman Award in Technology and Science, georganiseerd door Innoviris. Al van bij de voorbereidingen was het duidelijk dat ze erg veel ervaring heeft en van aanpakken weet. Haar klasse, communicatiestijl en perfecte tweetaligheid hebben ervoor gezorgd dat het evenement een succes werd. Ze bezit […]

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Isabelle Hoebrechts
Gedelegeerd bestuurder
@ 361°

Suyin is een klassedame, intellgent en aangenaam spreekt vlot verschillende talen en heeft een hoge gunbaarheidsfactor! Ze is een echte en gemeende netwerker een vrouw met moed en kracht die anderen kan inspireren! Een gastvrouw die je nooit vergeet!

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Bert Van Wassenhove
Venture Publisher
@ The CoFoundry

Ik heb de eer gehad om een aantal keer samen met Suyin te werken, én om samen op een podium te staan. Dat waren telkens top ervaringen waar charme en professionaliteit hand in hand gingen. Deze magische mix zorgde ervoor dat onze boodschap naadloos haar doel(groep) bereikte. Een topdame!

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Lode Uytterschaut
@ Start it @kbc

Worked with Suyin on serveral projects. very reliable. knows her stuff. we asked Suyin to train teams on their pitching, stageperformance and storytelling.

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Michel Van der Poorten
Cognitive Business Development Executive

Excellent and knowledgeable moderator, not afraid at all of asking the tough questions!

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Birgit Walraet
Event marketing consultant & Freelance event producer
@ Diverse client portfolio

Suyin is not only very charming but also passionate, well versed and professional. If you need someone to host your event, don’t hesitate!

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Liesbeth Claeys
Marketing & Communicatie Manager
@ GreenHouse Dienstencheques

Suyin was presentatrice en moderator op ons business event. Topdame! Ze pakte alles grondig en superprofessioneel aan.

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Veerle Van Roij
Segment Manager Business Development
@ Wolters Kluwer Belgium

Professional as Suyin is, she came to the event well-prepared and had thorough knowledge of the business content and the target group allowing her to ask in-depth questions in several languages during discussions. She wasn’t afraid of asking more difficult questions and was able to make to the point summaries with a twist. In a […]

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Tine Van Lommel
Innovation Manager
@ KU Leuven

It was fantastic to work with Suyin! She is a nice, warm,enthousiastic and smart person. Suyin rapidly understands the context of her assignment.

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Omar Mohout
Entrepreneurship Fellow
@ Sirris

Suyin has so many diverse skills that it’s impossible to cover them all. Some highlights: excellent moderator, professional speaker and inspiring presenter, purpose driven entrepreneur, creative writer, (social) media expert, marcom angel and above all a person who makes impact in everything that she does. In conclusion, I would highly recommend working with Suyin Aerts

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Catherine Van Eeckaute
Project Coordinator
@ Failing Forward Campaign by startups.be

I recently engaged Suyin as moderator for a conference that I organised to address the stigma on failing in entrepreneurship. I particularly appreciated her pro-activeness, her commitment, her swiftness and her ability to connect the right parties together. She was very helpful in the preparation of the event and did a perfect job to manage […]

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Virginie Tumelaire
Project Manager
@ Amazone asbl

Faire appel à Suyin Aerts, c’est miser sur le professionnalisme ! Parfaite bilingue, Suyin prépare ses interventions avec minutie et apporte également des suggestions très constructives qui améliorent l’organisation de votre événement et font réellement la différence, tant sur la forme que sur le fond. Le tout avec dynamisme, humour et élégance. Que demander de […]

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Nico Vandenbempt
Recruitment & sourcing manager
@ AE

Yesterday I had the pleasure to follow different ICT sessions around HR innovation and ICT, where Suyin guided us through the different speakers, moderated the elevation pitches. It is in difficult circumstances that the professionalism and elegance came forward in her way of presentation. A co-host I would for sure recommend if you are looking.

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Jane Judge
Event Coordinator
@ Leuven Mindgate

Suyin was an excellent speaker for an event we did about finding your unique selling point and using it to your full potential. She was wonderfully on time for the event, communicated well ahead of time, and gave a clear and entertaining presentation. She was also charming and welcoming to those who mingled and asked […]

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Ivy Vanderheyden
Marketing Director Benelux

SAS Belgium had the pleasure to work with Suyin as host of the 2019 Curiosity Forum. Not only is Suyin a very professional host, bringing confidence and guidance to the speakers she’s introducing and interviewing, it’s also a pleasure to work with her in preparing the event. Because of her professional background and expertise, Suyin […]

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Jef Cools
@ Hoge Raad voor de Zelfstandigen en de KMO

Suyin was moderator voor ons tweetalig (N/F) seminarie Kmo’s en digitale transformatie. Goede voorbereiding. Fijne samenwerking.Alles verliep heel vlot, zowel in het Nederlands als Frans. Juiste sfeer en toonzetting. Goede tussenkomsten en panel goed gemodereerd.

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Kim Indeherberg
Founder & Conversationist
@ Converseo

For Curiosity Forum (SAS) we were looking for an MC that really grasped the spirit of the conference. Together with Suyin our goal was to challenge the point of view of our guests, to stimulate an open mind and to take new perspectives. From the first meeting on it was clear that Suyin shared our […]

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Wivina Briers
Founder & Organiser
@ X² Gender Equality Awards

Suyin not only knows how to take your event to a higher level through her presentations, but moderates with a drown view,involving everyone in the team to come to a good discussion.When organizing your event, she thinks along with you to ensure that it becomes a formula for success.

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Steff Peeters
Marketing & Brand Specialist
@ Aertssen Group

After I’ve seen Suyin on stage multiple times, I feel like it’s time to finally give something back. Her way of announcing (other) speakers, presenting, engaging with the audience, and many, many more things, make her really unique and a joy to listen to. I would definitely/absolutely recommend her as the leading lady of your […]

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Geert Reyniers
Chairman of the Advisory Board
@ 5th Conference on Digital Health

I worked with Suyin on The 5th Conference on Digital Health, where she was moderating the talks and taking interviews with key opinion leaders. Suyin is a positive, empathic and professional person, always looking to maximise quality and delivering the best result. And pleasant to work with too. I can only recommend here!

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Dirk Vermant
@ CxO Europe

Met Suyin is je evenement in goede handen. Zowel achter de schermen als op podium. Ze denkt creatief mee, leeft zich 100% in en laat niets aan het toeval over.

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Inez Senecaut
Co-Owner & President
@ 2-evolve & PMC

As president of People Managers Community I had the pleasure of working with Suyin. She presented and took care of all the interviews with the speakers during our half-a-day seminar “Mental Health”. It was a delight to see that Suyin took good care with a fabulous preparation. At the day itself I could interact more […]

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Luc Blyaert
@ CDO of the Year

Suyin was an excellent master of ceremony during The Chief Digital Officer Awards 2019 with 325 guests in Brussels. Fluent And ad rem. Just great.

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Eveline De Ridder
@ Whyte Corporate Affairs

I would definitely recommend Suyin to whoever needs a master of ceremony and/or a debate moderator. She prepares well, understands quickly, delivers in time and is pleasant to work with.

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Patrick Marck
@ Feweb

Dank aan Suyin om van de 5de editie van de FeWeb Excellence Awards mee een succes te maken. Je praatte het programma niet zomaar aan mekaar, je kon je inleven in de sector en de juiste vragen stellen aan de winnaars (in 3 talen). Dank ook voor de nodige flexibiliteit om last minute changes in […]

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Mathieu Maes
Executive Director
@ ICC Belgium

For the first edition of the #CustomsProAward, we needed someone special to host and moderate the ceremony. Special because first, customs affairs and trade compliance can be a rather austere area – it is a domain of expertise, technical and precise. One must be really careful not to say something untrue. Second was our target […]

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Jeroen Van Godtsenhoven
Managing Director

Suyin proved to be hyper professional in preparing for the event and sharing her know how and best practices to make the show as vibrant as possible. Despite being well prepared last minute changes were not an issue at all. Very flexible always a professional. She is more than just a great MC. She proved […]

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Benita Dreesen
Managing Director
@ Greenforce Sustainability

Suyin was the moderator of our European Business Angels-day yearly event. She was exceptional good; very well and detailed preparation – on-time delivery – highly professional English presenting skill. She managed to guide the public through a very tight afternoon schedule with international speakers. On top of this, she is very nice to work with […]

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Vincent Struye de Swielande
Marketing & Communication Manager
@ Porsche

During the Brussels Motor Show we had a first collaboration with Suyin as host of our three Taycan nights. Everything went fine and smooth. Suyin is a real professional, listening to the needs of her client and open for feedback. I can highly recommend her as host for your events. Thank you Suyin!

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Catherine Lenaerts
General Manager
@ Febelauto

Suyin is a very devoted president. She takes good care of all the details without losing the greater picture. She is an excellent organizer as well as an outstanding networker.

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Didier Brackx
Project Manager
@ Honda Motor Europe

Suyin kan je omschrijven als een zeer dynamische vrouw die zeer sterk op de hoogte is van de allerlaatste ontwikkelingen op marketing vlak. Voor uw business betekent ze: the right woman on the right place. Ze maakt voor elk event concrete afspraken met de klant,, is commercieel zeer sterk en zeer communicatievaardig. Haar hart ligt […]

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