What I think!

Suyin’s Friday Thoughts

Every Friday before diving into the weekend I share my thoughts in my weekly blog (in English). Things that touched me, stuff I learned, people I met, challenges I faced, opportunities I see, dreams I try to put in words.

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It happens to me from time to time that I have a hard time making the decision as it seems as if I am confronted with a dilemma. Those situations where the right choice isn’t clear, and each option has its own set of pros and cons. Whether it’s a professional challenge or a personal […]

Jul 12 2024
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It is not easy but I believe we can evolve a lot if we are able to really embrace the fact that there is a silver lining in criticism. Even though I know it can highlight blind spots we were unaware of, pushing us out of our comfort zones and driving personal and professional growth, […]

Jul 5 2024
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Toxic Leadership

We see more and more articles in the newspapers about toxic leadership. I have the feeling that the new generations do not agree as we might have agreed too much with dominant and even toxic leaders before. I was talking about it recently with a friend wondering if toxic leaders are more present in a […]

Jun 28 2024
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Most of the time we say that modesty is an admirable quality. Modesty can build strong relationships, foster a collaborative spirit, and create a positive environment where everyone feels valued, However, there’s a fine line between modesty and becoming excessive reticent. I believe that excessive modesty could also become a bad quality. It can lead […]

Jun 21 2024
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A bold move

The road to success is rarely a straight path; it’s filled with twists, turns, and obstacles. It is not easy sometimes because if you think about the things from a realistic perspective you would sometimes avoid making a certain move. I try not to forget that every bold move is a step closer to my […]

Jun 14 2024
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I had a very interesting week again, new insights, new people. It made me think again about how important innovation and research is but also about how research needs to come back to the market, to society as fast as possible. How we need to continue aiming to stay ahead in Europe, which is definitely […]

Jun 7 2024
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After a funny story you can read on my LinkedIn profile, I started thinking about the concept of being incognito a little more. Let me give you the story short : I was seated next to a very famous author and did not recognize him. Probably because I was in an incognito modus myself. The […]

May 31 2024
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The role

Today I would like to share my 2 cents on the importance of serendipity in your role as a leader. I believe we are heading towards different times in leadership, we do not want leaders that always have an answer, we do not believe leaders who always come with a plan, we even doubt leaders […]

May 24 2024
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22 JAN 2019
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