Ce que je pense !

Réflexions du vendredi de Suyin

Chaque vendredi, je partage mes pensées dans mon blog hebdomadaire (en anglais) avant de plonger dans le week-end. Des choses qui m'ont touchées, des choses que j'ai apprises, des personnes que j'ai rencontrées, des défis que j'ai relevés, des opportunités que je vois, des rêves que j'essaie de décrire.

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After a funny story you can read on my LinkedIn profile, I started thinking about the concept of being incognito a little more. Let me give you the story short : I was seated next to a very famous author and did not recognize him. Probably because I was in an incognito modus myself. The […]

May 31 2024
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The role

Today I would like to share my 2 cents on the importance of serendipity in your role as a leader. I believe we are heading towards different times in leadership, we do not want leaders that always have an answer, we do not believe leaders who always come with a plan, we even doubt leaders […]

May 24 2024
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Think twice

In a world overflowing with information and opinions, the art of listening has never been more vital. Besides listening I believe it is important to be aware of the fact that we all have our own understanding and that we are all biased about many concepts, habits and ideas in life. Having the courage to […]

May 17 2024
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Questioning the why to co-create

Co-creation is more than just a trendy buzzword—it’s a powerful concept that I’ve witnessed firsthand time and time again. It’s about the magic that happens when individuals come together, exchanging ideas and perspectives to create something truly innovative. It’s about moving beyond consensus to discover that third alternative that sparks true transformation. Through my studies […]

May 10 2024
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Talking to strangers

For my book ‘10 Quintessential Questions” I had the chance to talk to 21 beautiful individuals. During one of the interviews Daria & Jasmina, mother and daughter, talked about the fact that we too often fear talking to strangers. I could not agree more. During my keynotes I often talk about the importance of curiosity, […]

May 3 2024
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Beyond Niceness

The past months are so often characterized by bad news, so I believe that kindness is an opportunity that offers us some warmth in these moments of coldness.But is kindness synonymous with being nice, or does it mean something deeper, more profound? I have the feeling that kindness embodies a genuine concern for the well-being […]

Apr 26 2024
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I believe we’re not just along for the ride in shaping the future—it’s something we actively create every single day.  Running a company adds an extra layer of challenge to this. We have to weigh up the opportunities and risks. Looking a year ahead might seem impossible, especially when day-to-day business can be so demanding. […]

Apr 19 2024
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Fear and panic

Some weeks ago I had the chance to be at the Sopernova conference. The closing keynote for Charlie Duke was very impressive, it felt impossible that this energetic man had the age he has. He talked about many things linked to his experiences on the moon and you could feel even in the back row […]

Apr 12 2024
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22 JAN 2019
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