Ce que je pense !

Réflexions du vendredi de Suyin

Chaque vendredi, je partage mes pensées dans mon blog hebdomadaire (en anglais) avant de plonger dans le week-end. Des choses qui m'ont touchées, des choses que j'ai apprises, des personnes que j'ai rencontrées, des défis que j'ai relevés, des opportunités que je vois, des rêves que j'essaie de décrire.

Inscrivez-vous à ma newsletter et restez au courant de mon parcours de vie.

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I had the great pleasure to host and moderate an event this week where altruism was put in the center of the evening. After sad stories on how young children between 10 and 20 years old sometimes struggle with the challenges of life and the remarkable work Ingrid De Jonghe is doing for them at […]

Apr 26 2019
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Broken trust…

I am sure you all remember that first time your trust was broken. I remember it very well and it did not happen once…it happened again. Even recently. Good business and personal relationships are based on trust.  We like to interact and do business with people we feel comfortable with and have some degree of […]

Apr 18 2019
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Secrets to influence?

Are there things one should think about when you want to influence people? Or is it happening naturally? I think that being authentic is the best way to go. But how can you be authentic? Just being you? Yes! but also you need to know what your values are and what your mission is in […]

Apr 12 2019
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Addicted to knowledge

I realized some time ago that maybe one of the reason I like what I do, is that each time I moderate a debate, lead a panel, do an interview, …I learn so many new things. Due on the one hand to the things I need to read to get prepared, but also thanks to […]

Apr 5 2019
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A year of blogging!

Wauw really! One year already I have been writing and publishing a blog article every Friday. It was Professor and Innovator Erik P.M. Vermeulen that told me to set a goal if I wanted to start blogging. so at first I thought, lets challenge myself and let’s see if I can keep up the pace, […]

Mar 29 2019
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I am a special generalist …

Sometimes you wonder am I a specialist or a generalist? When I was a dancer it was an easy answer, you did not had to ask me stuff about hockey, football, waterpolo or even tennis. All I knew was about dancing. But I did know everything about it. I guess at that time I was […]

Mar 22 2019
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Blue or Red ocean?

If you just learned how to swim would you rather swim in a blue or a red ocean? Red oceans are all the industries in existence today – the known market space. In red oceans, industry boundaries are defined and accepted, and the competitive rules of the game are known. Blue oceans, in contrast, denote all […]

Mar 15 2019
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The 8th of March

Twelve years ago I became a mother for the first time. Not bad as an experience on the international day for women. Getting a daughter made it even more special. And she is a special one, but so is the second one. Our little ladies, children, they change your life! From the minute you pee […]

Mar 8 2019
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22 JAN 2019
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