What I think!

Suyin’s Friday Thoughts

Every Friday before diving into the weekend I share my thoughts in my weekly blog (in English). Things that touched me, stuff I learned, people I met, challenges I faced, opportunities I see, dreams I try to put in words.

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Time management…

How can a human think he could manage time? The only think you can maybe manage is yourself. Understand what you are willing to sacrifice vs. accomplish and plan accordingly. Hold yourself accountable. It’s to easy to push things on to the next day. Your mindset needs to turn into making the most out of […]

Mar 1 2019
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Perfection is an illusion…

As a dancer I was already looking for perfection, knowing that if I did one step ahead, another step would present itself straight away, a step to become even better. This was a never ending story, because we already knew perfection was an illusion. The way of working towards perfection is still part of me […]

Feb 22 2019
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What helps me to speak up? Listening!

We tend to value speaking over the ability to listen — particularly in leadership positions. But when you listen carefully, you have the opportunity to gain new perspectives and learn the things you don’t know you don’t know. Sometimes we are listening but not fully connecting. For example, we don’t notice nonverbal cues, like energy and body language. We […]

Feb 15 2019
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What about the friends you met after 40?

Did you meet some of your real friends after 40? Or are it all surface friends? I believe personal standards on what friendship can be and could become change with age. So that means you will lose some friends that you thought you were going to have forever. And that means you have to admit […]

Feb 7 2019
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Does the future just happens?

I believe the future doesn’t just happen — we shape it every day. And January is that month of the year to look ahead, to make some professional and some personal goals.  And when you run a company that is a challenge. What are the opportunities and what are the risks?  To look 1 year ahead seems impossible, […]

Feb 1 2019
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Knowledge is power


Jan 25 2019
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Female leadership…

The question I ask myself lately is whether female leadership differs from male leadership? Let me start by sharing my idea that I think we are not born as a leader, we decide to become a leader, we decide to take the responsibility to lead. At least that is what I think, until someone proves […]

Jan 17 2019
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Did you ever recycle an idea?

I was wandering on the internet and I came across a very interesting article. What if you would go into your files and recycle some of your old ideas? Why did I not think about that that before? I have drafts in many places! In little booklets I always carry with me in my bag, […]

Jan 11 2019
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22 JAN 2019
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