Elke vrijdag, voor ik het weekend induik, deel ik mijn gedachten in mijn wekelijkse blog (in het Engels). Dingen die me geraakt hebben, dingen die ik geleerd heb, mensen die ik ontmoet heb, uitdagingen die ik tegenkom, kansen die ik zie, dromen die ik onder woorden probeer te brengen.
Meld je aan voor mijn nieuwsbrief om op de hoogte te blijven van mijn levenswandel.
Do you know that feeling…this is only happening to me? Why me again? Calimero knows what you are talking about. This was also what happened on the moment I made this amazing little girl on the picture, but I can tell you she is a HERO. During a seminar Happiness @work this week, I heard […]
A friend of mine shared an amazing short movie earlier this week. It is a story about how we take part in a rat race for happiness, why do we do this, I was wondering, and I think some things we cannot explain. Sometimes we get caught, and we do not even realize that we […]
Why I decided to say yes and how I became the first ambassador of many others that followed me for the Just Keep it challenge? Let me start by explaining what #JKI is: From the 1st October to 21st of October 2018, the amazing sisters Gwenny & Yoneko Nurtantio launched the first 21 days challenge […]
September 21st every year is World Alzheimer’s Day around the world. An international campaign aimed at raising awareness and challenge the common stigma that surrounds Alzheimer related dementia. I had the change to present an event this week for “Koning Boudewijnstichting/ Fondation Roi Baudouin” to celebrate their 10 years work on dementia. In a collaboration with many […]
All great athletes have coaches, they have a team of coaches most of the time. And although you are maybe not a top athlete, you could also think of getting a coach. Because it is important for all human beings to reach their peak. And to get there, most of us need support. Someone supporting […]
I decided some time ago to say yes when they asked me to become a mentor. I found it a real honor to get this question, as it feels to me I have the ability to pass my experience and to give other a drive to go for their dreams and talents. Mentorship and sponsorship […]
During a recent trip to Moldavia, I had the pleasure to meet with a couple that was deaf and dumb. It was amazing to see how well they communicated together even without any word being said. It was also very special to talk with both of them and I was very surprised I was quit […]
Children change. Adults change. People change. We’re awfully big puzzles. It takes a long time to turn over all our pieces, let alone to figure out where they’re meant to go. Sometimes, the pieces that felt like edges and endings are just an unusual way to connect to something more. Too many of us set […]