What I think!

Suyin’s Friday Thoughts

Every Friday before diving into the weekend I share my thoughts in my weekly blog (in English). Things that touched me, stuff I learned, people I met, challenges I faced, opportunities I see, dreams I try to put in words.

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Reading and series

I remember those days, I had the time to read. I remember the feeling to be completely lost in a book, wanting to know what was going to happen next. Mostly fiction of course, just for the fun of reading, the pleasure to read a well written book, a book with a great story, with […]

Oct 4 2019
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I do not like to fit in.

“The ones who make it onto our radar, the ones who made an impact, have chosen to live a life of standing out, not fitting in.” -Seth Godin We all know people who have a unique position in society. People who, either by choice or by force, are different. People who do not “fit in” […]

Sep 27 2019
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Don’t only think it, Do it

You can’t be a writer, if you don’t write. You can’t be a cook, if you never cook. You can’t be an athlete, if you never train. So stop journaling on your perfect life and dreaming about your ideal world. Achieving goals is not exactly rocket science. It is about showing up with a focus on what you want to reach. So […]

Sep 20 2019
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The right minority

I do have different role models, but Oprah Winfrey for sure is one of them. You can find many great things online she said. I once watched an interview with her were she stated she had the luck to be part of the right minority when she first came on TV. In that same interview […]

Sep 13 2019
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Deontology vs CSR

I had the pleasure to be the ‘Master of Interaction’ on the CxO event 2019, in the beginning of the week in Brussels. The C-level managers in the room got different cases to solve together and at a certain moment they were asked to think about CSR and how a facility company could help their […]

Sep 6 2019
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Chef Planning

That is what my partner tells friends that want to pick a date to meet up: “call the chef planning”, and that chef is me. Can I not live without a plan, can I not present an event and moderate a debate without a plan, can I not film an episode without being prepared and […]

Aug 30 2019
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A Chinese first-name

“You have an original name, I never heard it before, I do not know anyone with your name,….” how many times did I hear this in my life. Being younger it was not always so easy to explain, but now I can only be so grateful mu parents choose this name for me. Having an […]

Aug 23 2019
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In French they say: ‘les excuses sont faites pour s’en servir’ . And indeed we very often find too many excuses to do something or not to do something. We accept weak excuses from ourselves, because it’s quite convenient. We accept our own limiting beliefs, fears, and excuses. We do not have so much of […]

Aug 16 2019
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22 JAN 2019
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