What I think!

Suyin’s Friday Thoughts

Every Friday before diving into the weekend I share my thoughts in my weekly blog (in English). Things that touched me, stuff I learned, people I met, challenges I faced, opportunities I see, dreams I try to put in words.

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Help I am bored!

I am sure those of you that have kids know the feeling: “Mum I am bored what are we going to do? ” And then you feel angry at first, because you give them so much, so much to discover, so much to do and they dare to say they are bored when they get […]

Nov 9 2018
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What if you fail?

Last week an amazing successful entrepreneur in Belgium announced he had to close down one of his projects. I think it adorns him that he could say he failed and pointed the finger to himself in the first place. But he also said that he delegated decisions on growth to someone else and trusted this persons […]

Nov 2 2018
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Mixing people, a passion!

What is networking about for me? Why do I organise events where I bring people together? I want to share my idea with you as last week, on a networking event I talked to someone that told me he hated networking. He felt that networking was fake and was as sales talk without any problem […]

Oct 26 2018
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Skills..hard or soft, what if we call them real?

Why do we call them soft skills when they are the hardest to get? If we call them soft we imply they are fluffy, fluid, intangible, or difficult to measure. I do agree that certain focused skills are essential. That hiring coders who can’t code, salespeople who can’t sell is a short road to failure. […]

Oct 19 2018
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Really? Can we make Calihero’s of the Calimero’s?

Do you know that feeling…this is only happening to me? Why me again? Calimero knows what you are talking about. This was also what happened on the moment I made this amazing little girl on the picture, but I can tell you she is a HERO. During a seminar Happiness @work this week, I heard […]

Oct 12 2018
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The rat race for happiness

A friend of mine shared an amazing short movie earlier this week. It is a story about how we take part in a rat race for happiness, why do we do this, I was wondering, and I think some things we cannot explain. Sometimes we get caught, and we do not even realize that we […]

Oct 5 2018
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Why sometimes you just need to keep it

Why I decided to say yes and how I became the first ambassador of many others that followed me for the Just Keep it challenge? Let me start by explaining what  #JKI is: From the 1st October to 21st of October 2018, the amazing sisters Gwenny & Yoneko Nurtantio launched the first 21 days challenge […]

Sep 28 2018
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…because we are still the same person…

September 21st every year is World Alzheimer’s Day around the world. An international campaign aimed at raising awareness and challenge the common stigma that surrounds Alzheimer related dementia. I had the change to present an event this week for “Koning Boudewijnstichting/ Fondation Roi Baudouin” to celebrate their 10 years work on dementia. In a collaboration with many […]

Sep 21 2018
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22 JAN 2019
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