Chaque vendredi, je partage mes pensées dans mon blog hebdomadaire (en anglais) avant de plonger dans le week-end. Des choses qui m'ont touchées, des choses que j'ai apprises, des personnes que j'ai rencontrées, des défis que j'ai relevés, des opportunités que je vois, des rêves que j'essaie de décrire.
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The current pandemic makes me think about risk and how we see risks personally. I already wrote before in a blog about the question I got for my exam at the end of my studies as a Project Manager. The topic was ‘risk’. My elaboration contained what we had to know and learn but I […]
During the lockdown I had a nice talk with Seppe De Baerdemacker on health, sports and nutrition.(you can watch the interview on youtube) He liked my saying that we are the CEO of our own life and our own body. I shared my ideas on how I succeed on combining my professional life with having […]
Do you sometimes have the feeling time is going fast? We should commit to make more time for rest as our work directly benefits from this is something a lot of people told me already. And it is true that when we become more aware of the true value of our time, not just as […]
I have always known that my parents lost a child at birth. It was more than 40 years ago and of course it is not something you can understand as a child of only 1 year old. However I had some talks with my mother growing up on this topic (more than with my father […]
I am writing these Friday thought on Wednesday already as I might not be 100% sober on Friday due to a small intervention tomorrow. Nothing special, regular stuff, but with anaesthesia… Let me be honest I have felt more fearless before. Those who know me would not say that I am anxious. Always into trying […]
Let me start with where I have ended last week “whatever your calling, it’s already rooted within you”, is what Oprah once said. And then you are seated around a table for a great project and they throw another great challenge to you, out of the blue. Or at least this is how it feels, […]
But is that the reason we share things on social media? Why do we only post the “cool” things and most of the time hide the bad? Do we see those things as failures? I think failure should not change our core worth. I recently read that in a study it showed that individuals who […]
If people like you, that is of course a very nice thing. But when you want to go far it is probably better when people are interested in you. Sometimes I notice people smiling at me but it feels manufactured and measured. They try to hard to please me it feels like a currency to […]