Ce que je pense !

Réflexions du vendredi de Suyin

Chaque vendredi, je partage mes pensées dans mon blog hebdomadaire (en anglais) avant de plonger dans le week-end. Des choses qui m'ont touchées, des choses que j'ai apprises, des personnes que j'ai rencontrées, des défis que j'ai relevés, des opportunités que je vois, des rêves que j'essaie de décrire.

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I like goals and in a way I need a goal from time to time to get my focus again. But a goal is something that goes away once you hit it. Right? So true motivation shouldn’t come from your goals alone.I see many people spending a lot of time on optimizing their strategy, and maybe not […]

Jan 24 2020
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Sports & Art

Sometimes I have mixed feelings as on one hand I feel like my career started as a topsporter and on the other hand it feels as it started as an artist. But more and more I think it actually was the mix of both that brought me where I am now. A blend of an […]

Jan 17 2020
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An image

One of the quotes we use very often in our business ( I run and own a company called X-Treme Creations) is that an image says more than a thousand words. And that is something that I am very sure of. We should not underestimate the image we project of ourselves, both online and offline. […]

Jan 10 2020
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Finding the time?

Is just impossible, if you think you are able to realise something when you find the time, I think you will never realise as much as you could. Because one thing is for sure you will never find the time in between all the things you are already doing right now. Is it more about […]

Jan 3 2020
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Craft ….

Can we craft our ideal existence? What is for sure is that we can systematically collect data about ourselves so we are able to have the possibility of making informed decisions about what to do to be happy. Last year was a lot about this for me, learning new things about myself based on data that […]

Dec 26 2019
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The First Lady

For a new challenge in 2020 I wanted an original title, as I do not believe that much in titles. But than I thought what role would I love to have? What would it feel like to be the The First Lady I wondered? Thinking about Michelle Obama, who I find an amazing women. Although […]

Dec 19 2019
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I remember very well the first time I heard this word, I did not have a clue what it meant…Expected Time of Arrival…if only life was that easy. The first one giving me his ETA, was an ex paratrooper. They have to be precise. And I can tell you when they are no longer in […]

Dec 13 2019
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Small becomes big

A lot of people say that small things repeated consistently turn into big things. And indeed if you don’t pay attention to your life on a daily basis, it will absolutely drift in directions you may not like. And we all have a mind, a body and thoughts. And very often where your thoughts go […]

Dec 6 2019
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22 JAN 2019
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