Ce que je pense !

Réflexions du vendredi de Suyin

Chaque vendredi, je partage mes pensées dans mon blog hebdomadaire (en anglais) avant de plonger dans le week-end. Des choses qui m'ont touchées, des choses que j'ai apprises, des personnes que j'ai rencontrées, des défis que j'ai relevés, des opportunités que je vois, des rêves que j'essaie de décrire.

Inscrivez-vous à ma newsletter et restez au courant de mon parcours de vie.

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Your audience is never everybody.

A new year, new resolutions, a lot of dreams that we all want to become reality, but how on earth do we make our dreams come true? If only we could have a one-size-fits-all solution to make it all work. Overnight success does simple not exist I think, it is weeks, months and sometimes years […]

Jan 4 2019
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The elevator.

Most people and especially entrepreneurs are letting themselves down with their elevator pitch because they don’t know their value proposition or who it is for. They just rush out a couple of lines to introduce themselves, and forget the importance of tailoring it in length and substance for the current context. Others just fail to […]

Dec 28 2018
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Personal branding

Who I am and why should you care? The truth is, when it comes to building a personal brand, it’s the question on everyone’s lips. Building a brand isn’t about feeding your ego. It’s about giving yourself more opportunities to help and connect with people in your industry. And one of the best ways to […]

Dec 21 2018
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Pictures…take them or make them?

Sometimes you make a picture sometimes you take a picture. “Art isn’t only a painting. Art is anything that’s creative, passionate, and personal. An artists is someone who uses bravery, insight, creativity, and boldness to challenge the status quo. Art is a personal gift that changes the recipient. The medium doesn’t matter. The intent does. […]

Dec 14 2018
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The lines…

A long time since I had to memorize my lines every day for the soap series where I was one of the actors of the leading cast. Great memories of being in front of a camera almost every day, not being myself, but playing someone else, looking for that thin line between what looks real, […]

Dec 7 2018
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About Aya…

Last year I went on an amazing trip to Marrakech where we went from rooftop to rooftop to meet Moroccan women. Beside the fact I came back with so many new and special women friends that will always have a place in my heart. I also made one little friend, Aya. I was very grateful […]

Nov 30 2018
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It is a responsibility for us as parents to give our children the right to make choices in live, we need to understand that decisions need to be made. Decisions on how we want to live our lives as adults. We need to live our live by understanding also that we have a responsibility to […]

Nov 23 2018
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Entrepreneurship…why would you?

Welcome to the end of the 3rd week of November 2018, did you know it is the “Global Entrepreneurship Week”? In Belgium (where I come from) we have a “Day of the Entrepreneur” and that is today. As today it is Friday and every Friday before I dive into the weekend I share my thoughts […]

Nov 16 2018
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22 JAN 2019
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